The House

The House



The House is a graphical tool used to control a camera through user interaction to observe graphics in a variety of ways. Also, this source code implements a realistic-looking building using advanced texture models. There are multiple ways to view the house: the user interacting with the camera through the keyboard could strafe left and right, move forward and backward, yaw left and right (look left and right), pitch up and down (look up and down), zoom in and out, change the camera position from first person view to bird view perspective, and reset the camera to the its initial position when you booted the program. Furthermore, the house is modeled with brick walls and ceramic floors, with a giant metallic teapot, basketball, and rug inside. The exterior of the house contains a vast green lawn of grass and a pond. The texture-less sky has a color of sky blue. The House in First Person Perspective draws a scene with a house in which users can interact with using the functionality provided through basic OpenGL programming. The objective of implementing this source code to simulate a walk-through of a building comprising the steps of: (1) User interaction through use of the camera in first person and bird person view and (2) Modeling textures. In order to implement the camera, it was necessary to create a class that updates the position of the camera when the user hits a button on the keyboard. House are changeable modeling constructors [1] and OpenGL is the Open Graphics Library, a cross platform API for 2D and 3D computer graphics [2]. Images and Textures can be drawn using OpenGL through representations of points, lines, polygons, pictures, etc. The House in First Person Perspective brings these concepts together to create a realistic looking house with camera movement and user interaction inside C++ programs. The invention relates to computer graphics at Hofstra University and, more specifically, to the generation of user interaction, camera movement, and modeling.



The House Claim


  • A method of implementing source code to simulate a walk-through of a building using a combination of camera functionality through the use of a class of complex camera rotations and user interaction to activate the various functionalities of the camera. In order for the user to walk through the building, the user must be able to step forward, backward, left, and right. The camera also allows the user to look around the building using the yaw rotation of looking left and right (rotation around the camera’s y-axis), the pitch rotation of looking up and down (rotation around the camera’s x-axis), and the roll rotation (rotation around the camera’s z-axis). Furthermore, the user also has the ability to change the perspective from first person view to a bird’s eye (aerial) view. Finally, the user is able to do a full reset of the camera, a zoom reset, an aerial reset, and a reset to a saved first person view after switching to aerial view and back so that location within the house is not lost after switching into bird’s eye view.

  • A method of modeling. Illumination or texturing of static objects both inside and outside of the building was used in order to expand on the modeling of the building to make it look as realistic as possible.


The House Technologies


C++, OpenGL


The House References

INTERACTIVE COMP GRAPHICS/W-OPENGL DIST – Angel 5th Edition, Pearson Publisher

OPENGL PROGRAMMING GUIDE – Woo 6th Edition 08, Pearson Publisher

Steven Perine, Dr. Gerda Kamberova & Graduate Assistant Daniel Calvanese – Hofstra University


Software Application